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Inspiration & Learning a New Language

Third Coast Fest

Just in case you hadn't noticed, I've stalled in the production of actual something-to-listen-to podcasts. Honestly, I've been mired in my own fear of technology and needed a little validation and inspiration.

I learned pretty fast that this new project meant learning a whole new language and that, too, was intimidating.

I don't mean a language like Spanish (which I do need to learn for Patagonia in December, but more on that crazy trip another time); but more "Soundese" ... Audioish..? Podcastian?

In any event, my 55-year-old brain has been protesting the thought of learning a brand new industry -- once again populated mostly by people decades younger than me -- and all the lingo and jargon that goes with that. (Apparently the F-word is not as offensive as it used to be. Huh. Don't tell my teenagers I said this.)

And then there's Sound Editing. 😶

Lucky for me and thanks to my sponsor Generation Law, I spent the last four days surrounded by the best and brightest in the world of audio storytelling.

Pssst... That right there is the magic word: STORYTELLING.

Click to check out the fascinating agenda for the

I won a lottery for a private session "Tune Up" with Rund Abdelfatah, host and producer for NPR's How I Built This and TED Radio Hour. Podcasts I love.

She was so smart, thoughtful and gracious, complimentary and helpful. She really narrowed down my swirling ideas into something folks will definitely like a lot more than what I was thinking of doing.

Queen B with Rund Abdefatah of NPR

"I would listen to this!" Rund Abdelfatah, NPR, as we wrapped up my session.

"Be sure to let me know when you launch! I can't wait to listen." That made me so happy. I felt like Heck yeah, I AM on the right track! [[FISTPUMP]]

After the Tune Up, a couple great keynotes, a half dozen multi-hour sessions, at least that many sales pitches at sponsor booths, and schmoozing 'til my people-meter was in the red zone, I finally figured it out.

I now understand my role in The Crones podcast.

I'd always known it's our elder womens' stories in their own voices I wanted to preserve and share, but it's more than just the stories... it's their extraordinary, heart-breaking, fascinating, complicated, wise and wonderful lives today that will bring me to them in my shiny little trailer.

Which arrives the first week of November.

Inspiration like WHOA.

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